The aspiring Visual-kei band Zeke Deux [ジークデュー] will return to Europe this month for an exclusive live show in Munich’s Backstage Club on the 28th of September, 2024.

Zeke Deux was formed in August 2021 by vocalist Kakeru (ex-Scarlet Valse) and guitarist Haruka (ex-E’m~Grief~). Their music is a mixture of Gothic Metal compositions and Power Metal riffs. So far, Zeke Deux have released three mini-albums, which are available on all major streaming platforms.
On the 2nd of October, they will release their first full-length and self-titled album, Zeke Deux—just four days after their concert in Munich! So maybe, the band will treat their fans with some of their new songs before the release date. Fingers crossed!
Their live show in Munich will be their second overseas appearance. Zeke Deux had their European live debut in Switzerland in 2022 at the Japan pop culture convention Aki no Matsuri.
Tickets are still available. So, don’t miss this opportunity to experience a good old Visual-kei extravaganza in Germany!