In spring 2019, we widened the scope of EN.CORE ROCKS’ work: With SCARGOT—NATURE OR NURTURE—the journey to a new album, the former solely online media sprout a new branch with its first print publication.
The documentary book features the production process of German Modern Metal band SCARGOT’s first full-length album NAM. I worked closely with the group for two years and captured their creativity in words and pictures.

NATURE OR NURTURE opens the curtain to the backstage of shows as well as the rehearsal space and studios SCARGOT worked and recorded in. Detailed texts describe the creative path of the band as much as they elucidate the procedure of an independent, contemporary music production.
Throughout our many encounters, the artists stopped being aware of the camera lens watching them, allowing this book to become a map of moments and emotions with hundreds of photos. Both written and photo documentary, this compendium captured one and a half years. It starts with the concert during which the musicians and I met for the first time and ends with the NAM Record Release Party.

The album title NAM refers to Buddhistic teachings, in which the lotus stands for human development from root/birth to full blossom/enlightenment as well as for getting through hardships in life. Reconciling with suffering by embracing it and growing through it has been the foundation of SCARGOT’s work.
It is echoed in all songs of the band in one way or another and inspired every artwork connected to the music: the album and booklet design, our album promotion shooting, and finally the spectacular layout design and cover illustration of SCARGOT—NATURE OR NATURE—the journey to a new album.
In addition to the documentary theme, the book compiles all photo shootings we did, one of which has never been published before.

»›NATURE OR NURTURE‹ conveys the sensation of art composed by the collaborations of music, photography and maybe a pinch of melancholy.«—Chin, vocalist of SCARGOT
This intense and unique collaboration worked because it’s been pretty much a perfect match. I had been looking for people to express a particular aesthetic—and found them in SCARGOT. The band, on the other hand, was blown away by my photographic work, which matched the energy they wanted to convey.