Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse

Midsummer Night: Wormrot live in Leipzig

One evening in midsummer, on July 5th, we are sitting in the beer garden at Conne Island Leipzig. The European Championship game between Germany and Spain is broadcasted on a big screen. The vibe is carefree. Originally, we were supposed to be in the nearby city of Halle at the Hühnermanhattan, but the concert was moved to the Conne Island Café in Leipzig at short notice.

Now we are in the center of Leipzig’s alternative scene. The Conne Island is a cultural institution, containing of a skater park, a beer garden, a bigger concert hall, and the mentioned café, all of which bring people together. It’s also a place that today’s headliner, Wormrot, should already know, because they played here on February 16th as the support act for Napalm Death. In winter, however, they played on the big stage. Today, they will heat up the smaller café.

Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot’s two support bands should also be familiar with the venue, as CURSE OF THE NINTH and Miami Death 2 are both local bands from Leipzig. The setting sun shines through the treetops of the beer garden as the German soccer team equalizes in the final minute, forcing Spain into extra time. The visitors are cheering loudly. But we won’t find out who wins this game any time soon, because the first band is about to start.
CURSE OF THE NINTH at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
CURSE OF THE NINTH at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse

CURSE OF THE NINTH opens in the evening. The four-piece band serves the crowd a mixture of Crust, Hardcore, and Powerviolence, with an aggressive sound galloping through the café. The venue is small and has no proper stage to perform on. So, the band’s vocalist, guitarist, and bassist play among the audience.

Not being separated by a stage brings a kind of intimacy. You can see and feel the strong emotions of the band remarkably clear. Song by song, the atmosphere is filling up with a gloomy and menacing vibe, which the music delivers. Vocalist Tiffany serves guttural vocals that get under your skin while guitarist Syd slaps the hell out of his guitar, and bassist Lukas as well as drummer Jakob playing their instruments in an assertive way.

CURSE OF THE NINTH at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
CURSE OF THE NINTH at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse

After a bit more as twenty minutes the young formation ends their set. If you want to give these talents a spin then you can stream their demo [Pyre] on bandcamp!

Miami Death 2 at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Miami Death 2 at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse

It takes only a short smoke break until Miami Death 2 begin their show. This time, the café is fuller than before, because the public streaming of the European Championship game has ended—Spain has won. This five-man formation serves pure and raw Powerviolence, a mix of Hardcore and Punk, tending to Grindcore. Their songs are strikingly short and therefore they play considerably more than ten songs in 15 minutes. I guess, it is the shortest live show I have ever seen.

However, it is more than enough to heat up the audience. The set does not feel incomplete, instead it feels compressed. In the middle of the crowd, Miami Death 2 offered a stomping and aggressive sound, which is cascading up to distortion with the audience adapting to the sound and starting to dance furiously. If you want to listen to the music of Miami Death 2 yourself, I recommend to check out their music on bandcamp!

Miami Death 2 at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Miami Death 2 at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Again, we go out to breathe in some fresh air. Every time a show begins, the café turns into a steamer, but we wouldn’t miss Wormrot for the world. After a few sips of cold water, we hear drums playing from the café and time has finally come for the headliners to start.
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot unleash their merciless and unstoppable force and guest singer Gabriel Dubko serves the audience bestial screams and growls of the highest quality. Guitarist Rasyid builds a wall of music with his complex riffing and drummer Vijesh fires blast beats without hesitation. It should come at no surprise that with such an introduction, it doesn’t take long for the first people in the audience to start dancing and moshing furiously.
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
It was already showing with the precious bands, but with Wormrot, it is now clearly visible: there is a special advantage of playing in a tiny location without a proper stage. The live show is characterized by intimacy and unity. Vocalist Gabriel jumps through the audience, high-fives hands, hugs dancers, and let the crowd carry him around the room. At the same time, Rasyid is fully in the flow of the music. His gaze is focused, and he seems completely captivated by his playing. From time to time, however, he looks up from his strings and shows a pleased expression. Vijesh, meanwhile, shows immense dedication to the drums. Wormrot’s setlist is very diverse in terms of tempo and rhythm, and Vijesh also switches between brutal blast beats and groovy and progressive playing. The atmosphere in the audience is buzzing and the band also seems to be completely in their element. Gabriel often interacts with the audience and heats the vibe. But with the temperatures outside and the frenetic action inside, it doesn’t take long for the small café to turn into a sauna. The air is thick with sweat and anger.
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse

It’s two things that make this show special: the intimate proximity to the musicians and the finesse with which they mastered their art. After about 40 minutes, the show is over. That may seem quite short to some people, but these 40 minutes were concentrated Grindcore that wasn’t interrupted once. Continuous musical violence demanded everything from the band and the audience.

Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse
Wormrot feat. guest singer Gabriel Dubko at Wormrot Midsummar Tour 2024, Conne Island Café, Leipzig, Germany 2024/07/05 © Hermann Busse

As we leave the café, we step out into a mild summer night and the fresh air feels relaxing and refreshing. Our pulse is still racing a bit. That was intense! An experience as pure and raw as you could wish for in the underground of a subculture.

This was the fore last stop of Wormrot’s Midsummer Tour 2024. And they announced that after finishing their tour, drummer Vijesh will part ways with guitarist Rasyid, who will carry on. He announced to rebuild Wormrot up from the ground. In 2022, their former long-term vocalist Arif and their manager Azean already left the band. This means Rasyid is now the last remaining member of Wormrot. Yet, it was a pleasure to got the opportunity to see Rasyid and Vijesh playing together one last time, and we are excited to see Wormrot rise again in the future. Check out Wormrot on all streaming platforms and you will know why!
A big shoutout goes out to Swansea Concerts, the crew of Conne Island Leipzig, Wormrot, Miami Death 2, and CURSE OF THE NINTH!
Picture of Phillip Jacob

Phillip Jacob

Phillip is just a prey of madness who spends his time with writing, media design, and lecturing storytelling. He got spellbound by DIR EN GREY in 2007 and is since doomed to consume music excessively to this very day.