It’s unusual to review albums as old as Withering to death. and UROBOROS from DIR EN GREY. But these are not just any two albums released over 15 years ago. They hold particular significance in the biography of the band, their songs haven’t lost their artistic appeal, and most strikingly: DIR EN GREY are revitalizing them—much to the delight of the fans—by touring with them with their EUROPE TOUR24 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of Withering to death. & UROBOROS]. In this unique two-article review, we are diving deeper into these albums. Let’s take a close look at Withering to death. (2005) first, before exploring UROBOROS (2008) in a second review.

Withering to death.
01. Merciless Cult
02. C
03. Saku [朔-saku-]04. Kodoku ni Shisu, yue ni Kodoku. [孤独に死す、故に孤独。]05. Itoshisa wa Fuhai ni Tsuki [愛しさは腐敗につき]06. Jesus Christ R’n R
08. Machiavellism
09. dead tree
11. Beautiful Dirt
12. Spilled Milk
13. Higeki wa Mabuta wo oroshita yasashiki Utsu [悲劇は目蓋を下ろした優しき鬱]14. Kodou [鼓動]