BABYMETAL METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR - Pulp Summer Slam XX 2020 in Manila
2020MayMay 16 00:00

BABYMETAL coming with their Metal Galaxy World Tour to your city.
The cute metal idol girls form Japan toured in 2019 in America and now for the beginning of 2020 Europe is getting rocked. They also added shows for summer 2020.
So get reddy, train your neck for banging, listen to their new album Metal Galaxy and enjoy an unbelievable metal concert of BABYMETAL!
The girls from BABYMETAL are as loud as they are seductive. In their music, they merge visually-appealing, Japanese idol pop with roguish, hard-riffing heavy metal, creating a sound that has not only stirred the music scene in their homeland since the band was founded in 2010.
Live Nation EntertainmentOrganizer of BABYMETAL METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR - Pulp Summer Slam XX 2020 in ManilaAs the world’s leading live entertainment company, they are privileged to work with artists to bring their creativity to life on stages around the world. Whether it’s two hours at a packed club, or an entire weekend of sets at a festival, a live show does more than entertain. It can uplift, inspire and create a memory that lasts a lifetime.
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Mall of Asia (MOA) Arena G/F Main Mall SM Central Business Park, SM Mall of Asia, 123 Seaside Blvd, Pasay, Manila, PhilippinesDirections
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Pulp Summer Slam XX 2020 Manila

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